Page name: monkey town [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-09 04:26:26
Last author: Monicuddles
Owner: peace4all_monkey
# of watchers: 4
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*monkey people scream*OOH OOH AHH AHH!!"QUIET!!QUIET!!"....WElcome to our monkey playground!Monkeys,monkey lovers,and tourists are welcome. Please feel free to swing on ropes and eat bannanas!!Also note that this is also home to the soldiers in the monkey militia

Dont forget the monkey town governers:
[Monicuddles]captain 1
[peace4all_monkey]captain 2

i=128630&c=386203"alt="Free Hit Counter">

Towns folk

2)[Monicuddles]one of the monkey leaders!!(me)
3)[nijntje :3]
4)[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]
5)[Monkey Boy]
6)[#1devil] yay monkeys!!
8)[Babe-a -lious me!]- Me Love Monkeys!!!
9)[scruffy_puppy] im loving those bananas I LOVE THEM FOR I AM THE BANANA MAN/MONKEY
10)[I am The Monkey] i are monkey luv the monkey!!
11)[xx.BrUnEtTe.xx]i luv monkeys!!
12) [..and all that jazz] Hehehehehe monkeys...
13)[Caritas] I LOVE YOU MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have 3 toy monkeys and I want MORE!!! hahahahweheh
14)[i love my tripplet sisters]im monkey_roses aunt beleive it or not
15)[~*~LiL Monkey Momma~*~]

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(If you want to be appart of monkey town send a message to either [Monicuddles]
or [peace4all_monkey]because we dont give out the password anymore)

monkey badges

Username (or number or email):


[Monicuddles]: hey hey hey how bout we both be the leaders

[peace4all_monkey]: yay!!now what should my monkey name be?

[Monicuddles]: there thats better

[Monicuddles]: mango_monkey_91

[Monicuddles]: oh yea

[Monicuddles]: huh?

[Monicuddles]: what?

[Monicuddles]: nice

[peace4all_monkey]: yay!!Now am a monkey!!

[Monicuddles]: hey

[Monicuddles]: like the monkey

[Monicuddles]: ^_^

[Monicuddles]: isn't it cute!

[peace4all_monkey]: yeah...wered u find it?

[Monicuddles]: hello?

[Monicuddles]: i made it....... looks like a teddy bear doesnt it

[nijntje :3]: Yay i love m onkeys you should see my monkey collection.. hehe i had a freind get me a frippin 3 foot monkey.. its tail is 5 foot..

[nijntje :3]: Oh i would like to be a part of this if youll dont mind??

[peace4all_monkey]: u mean a governer?

[nijntje :3]: Well i was just thinking a member..

[Monicuddles]: yea sure

[nijntje :3]: Cool thanks.. I really like monkeys..and i am determind(sp) to get one..

[Monicuddles]: cool

[Monicuddles]: usually we would like people to have "monkey" in their name and i got to check with mango about it too but most likely you can be in

[nijntje :3]: Well i can add i dont mind.. wow Falda_monkey eheh

[Monicuddles]: lol

[Monicuddles]: yea mango needs to get on so i can talk to her because she controls this place too and we're thinking about needing a password to edit the page

[Monicuddles]: cause someone can come in and just wreak this place

[Monicuddles]: then i would have to hunt them down and hurt them immensly

[nijntje :3]: Yeah that is a big deal.. i think that would be an good idea..With People these days..

[Monicuddles]: yea

[Monicuddles]: tell me what you think about the repulsive monkey at the top of the wiki

[nijntje :3]: I think he is cute..*hugs monkey*

[Monicuddles]: thank you

[Monicuddles]: *hugs falda*

[Monicuddles]: finally someone who likes it

[Monicuddles]: no one appreciates art ne more

[nijntje :3]: hehe.. i like all most any thing that has to do with monkeys.. oh i have these awsome magnets my aunt got me if i can get them on here is will show you.. wait one sec

[nijntje :3]: ok so they are chimps but hey close enugh

[Monicuddles]: hey cant complain

[nijntje :3]: hehe sorry they are so big.. but they rule

[Monicuddles]: yea

[Monicuddles]: i like them

[nijntje :3]: Thanks my aunt got them for me.. they came with banna ones to..

[Monicuddles]: kool

[Monicuddles]: so anyways

[Monicuddles]: *throws a coconut at mango*

[Monicuddles]: hehehe i would've thrown a banana but you would like that

[peace4all_monkey]: sry...i had about 12 messages(on account of my absense)and had a bunch of wikis to look @ cause i watch a bunch....anyways,*picks the coconut up& breaks it*.. i LIKEcoconut!!!

[peace4all_monkey]: yeah....i love your chimpanzies falda^_^

[Monicuddles]: *takes coconut away and throws a rock* hehehehe

[nijntje :3]: oh thank you.. ^.-..

[peace4all_monkey]: pppppblbbb!! is nichols a cool place?hard school?

[nijntje :3]: uuhh i havent any idea..

[Monicuddles]: its no cool place in the winter during the summer i go four wheeling and bike riding and the school isn't hard im getting A's and B's

[peace4all_monkey]: i wanna move down there...then we could go to school together^_^

[Monicuddles]: yay!!!

[Monicuddles]: what fun!!!!skippin class, hangin out in the hall and say we went to the nurse

[Monicuddles]: ah yes thats the life

[peace4all_monkey]: if my mom would allow it...she wants to buy a home that we can live in for the rest of our lives....a place to call "home"

[Monicuddles]: and that place called "home" is here in nichols

[peace4all_monkey]: yeah....but what if "u" move then we can never turn back!!!

[Monicuddles]: uh *cough cough* excuse me while i get a drink hehe

[Gone4Eva]: NO ME JOIN, ME ON GOVT'!!!!!1

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: i like monkeys monkeys are sexy like josh ^_^

[nijntje :3]: Ha i am alive alive alive..

[peace4all_monkey]: so am i i i...what r u doing doing doing?

[peace4all_monkey]: wanna banana banana banana?

[Monkey Boy]: yes plez :D

[peace4all_monkey]: *tosses banana* there u go...ENJOY!=^.^=

[Monkey Boy]: *munches*

[nijntje :3]: *walks in* oohh ha ha.. BANANASSS

[Monkey Boy]: yup :P

[nijntje :3]: *looks around* Monkey BOY!!

[Monkey Boy]: yes?

[nijntje :3]: i dont know i just like the way it sounds. *sits down and nibbels her banana*

[Monkey Boy]: that sounds so wrong :|

[nijntje :3]: What?? I am sorry if it upset you *pouts* i really auctly like the way it sounds not in a bad way.

[Monkey Boy]: awwww its ok... u didn't upset me... its was the sitting down and nibbling on ur banana bit that sounded wrong :P

[nijntje :3]: Oh sorry you want one to *hands him a banana* you can sit a nibble with me..

[Monkey Boy]: *shiver* bad mind... *sits and nibbles with u*

[nijntje :3]: what was the shiver for *still nibbeling on the banana*

[Monkey Boy]: no reason *does same*

[nijntje :3]: haha. ok *gets up and happly swings from the trees* wwee

[Monkey Boy]: *joins in*

[nijntje :3]: *looks over at Monkey boy and ends up hitting a branch and falls down* ouch..

[Monkey Boy]: *jumps down and runs over to falda* u ok?

[nijntje :3]: OHHH yes i am ok.. *rubs a huge bump on her head* that hurt.. *begins to cry*

[peace4all_monkey]: *gives falda an icepack*....US governers need to keep u safe u know^^

[Loraina]: YAY 4 MONKEYS!!

[nijntje :3]: Oh thank you *puts the ice pack on her head*

[Monicuddles]: wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute this is what happens when i dont get on for two weeks?

[Monicuddles]: this is too suprising... i swear my heart stopped.. i thought someone changed the whole wiki

[nijntje :3]: *smiles* is it a good thing or a bad thing?

[Monicuddles]: im not sure

[nijntje :3]: HEHE.. that is ok.

[Monicuddles]: as long as im a govener im alright

[Monicuddles]: mango needs to get on we haven't talked in a long while

[Monicuddles]: but ne ways wats up wit u?*settles down in the tree wit a bananna*

[nijntje :3]: Ah not much.. *sits up on a low branch* my head hurts..

[Monicuddles]: yea i read that, still have that bump?

[Monicuddles]: do u know the password to the edit page?

[Monicuddles]: probly a stupid question

[nijntje :3]: No i shure dont *sits and picks at the tree*

[Monicuddles]: i emailed mango but she hasn't been on in a couple of hours*grabs some banannas*

[nijntje :3]: *looks hungrly at the bannas in her hands* yeah.. Those bannas shure do look nice

[Monicuddles]: here you go *gives half to Falda*

[Monicuddles]: gtg bye *gives the rest of banannas*

[nijntje :3]: Ok bye bye.. *smiles at the banannas in her hands and begins to eat*

[peace4all_monkey]: dont worry rose... i just put a pssword up so our wiki wouldnt get taken over/stolen...i changed it a bit though...made it more attractive

[Monicuddles]: yes thatnk you but next time send me an email so i wont have a heart attack ok?hehe^_^

[peace4all_monkey]: i was going to right after but the boss told me i had to get off..."NOW!!"

[peace4all_monkey]: MONKY!! R U HERE????????

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: monkey see monkey do ^_^

[peace4all_monkey]: haha...very funny*laughs in sarcastic tone*

[Monicuddles]: lol

[Monicuddles]: i thought it wuz funny

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: sorry im kinda stupid you know

[peace4all_monkey]: oh.... i forgot........ ppl on the honor roll "pay" the teachers to be there*pokes curls*

[peace4all_monkey]: *stares at awkwardly* know....sarcasm?

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: * runs crying out of the wiki *

[peace4all_monkey]: *runs after and stops.....tells that was only poking fun.... and the last comment was for monkey* okay nikki....u no no stupido!

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: *sniffles* Okay, but thats not funny b/c I dont have enough money to pay the teachers i actually had to work unlike the popular ppls :'(

[peace4all_monkey]: IT WAS A JOKE!!!!........*jumps into playhouse and swings on rope*

[Monicuddles]: HEHE i get it a little slow

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: im kidding anyway like i hope the poppies dont pay them to get good grades * jumps and lands on hands and then flps to stand posision *

[Monicuddles]: im acually pretty smart tho*climbs to the highest spot in the tree with ripe banannas*

[Monicuddles]: yum!

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: man omg in real life i can put my foot behind my head its awesome and im really good at limbo arent i smudgy person

[peace4all_monkey]: u know u just said" i hope the "dads" dont pay them to get good grades"

[peace4all_monkey]: um....?

[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]: no i didnt?

[Monicuddles]: hehe my dad cant he is far away*sniffles*

[Monicuddles]: *cries*

[peace4all_monkey]: well when u said "poppies" u refered to "dad" b/c.....hispanics refer to "dad" as "poppie".....*smiles and climbs to the high spot*

[peace4all_monkey]: *pats on back*.... dont worry monica....your dad is a strong soul-_-

[Monicuddles]: thank yew*gives hug*

[peace4all_monkey]: *checks to see if anyone sees.... creeps into secret lab full of colorful bananas*

[Monicuddles]: ohhhhhhh ahhhhhhh*follows mango and takes one of every color*

[Monicuddles]: gotta go *takes banannas*

[peace4all_monkey]: *takes half of bananas from monkey* i need to test those bfore u eat them! i need to test if they have a chemical inbalance of pestisides!

[peace4all_monkey]: *puts on investigive goggles on* now....if u will excuse me....i need to complete some more tests*acts sophisticated*

[Babe-a -lious me!]: OMG! I so want to be aprt of this!!! I WUV MONKEYS! Just ask [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]

[Monicuddles]: *hits mango and takes banannas back* YOU JUST WANT TO EAT THEM ALL!!!!

[peace4all_monkey]: guess what?? im sending u something in the mail....its a present!!^_______^*gives no clues*

[Monicuddles]: Yea!!! a present for me???? i feel special*gives back sum banannas*

[peace4all_monkey]: BANANAS!!YAY!more chemical experiments involving fire^^ is smoking!!

[Monicuddles]: uh what can i do? probly nothing but i have to ask

[nijntje :3]: GO POKE [It Comes Like Fire] PLEASE just say i sent you.. hehe

[peace4all_monkey]: never mind monkey^^...i got it under control...shes happy now...i told her about my problems...and she knew i now she's happier

[Monicuddles]: ok at least i dont have to deal with a situation like that again.*COUGH*mango!*COUGH*hehe

[Monicuddles]: just playin

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